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KieletEnglanti, Venäjä
Perseen kokoKeskikokoiset
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What excites me the most is writing. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl and have a sense of humor.


What excites me the most is writing. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl and have a sense of humor./Writing literacy excites me the most. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl, and have a sense of humor.

What excites me the most is writing. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl and have a sense of humor.

What excites me the most is writing. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl and have a sense of humor./Writing literacy excites me the most. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl, and have a sense of humor.

Меня возбуждает грамотность написания больше всего. А так же умные мужчины, которые знают, о чем поговорить с девушкой, и имеют чувство юмора./Writing literacy excites me the most. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl, and have a

En pidä

Rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence / rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence.


Rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence

Грубость, скупость, тупость, наглость/rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence.

Rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence / rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence.

Грубость, скупость, тупость, наглость/rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence.

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