
Nainen, 25 vuotta, Vaaka.

Hän on offline-tilassa nyt. Edellinen kerta oli kauan sitten.
Milloin hän on verkossa?
Etsi tyttö netistä


Korkeus (senttimetri)160
Paino (kg)63
Rintojen kokoKeskikokoiset
Perseen kokoSuuret
Hiusten väriRuskeat
Silmien väriRuskeat


I am an outgoing girl with a perverted mind and a sweet girl face, I want to be toured by you and that my games conquer you ... I would love to be everything your mind deces❤

Minä pidän

that you are generous, that you value my work that you are cordial both with me and with my other users, that when you see you masturbate you like the show and with your run it is noticed that you enjoy it❤

En pidä

that you do not respect my room, that you are rude and do not value my work

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